Our mission

Michael and Adam, childhood friends and passionate sneaker enthusiasts, embarked on a mission to revolutionize the limited edition sneaker resale market. Dissatisfied with the existing platforms that often struggle to authenticate and source the sneakers they offer, they envisioned a different approach.

Dunestreet logo

Out of this vision, Dunestreet was conceived—an innovative resale shop dedicated to providing the ultimate sneaker shopping experience for all generations. Their goal is to make the process simple, human-centered, and marked by impeccable service. The mission at Dunestreet goes beyond merely facilitating transactions; it aims to redefine how Dunestreet sneakers are accessed and enjoyed.

In response to the prevalent challenges in the current sneaker landscape, where high demand clashes with limited supply, Dunestreet emerges as the solution. Many sought-after sneaker models are released in limited quantities, resulting in swift sell-outs both in physical stores and online within minutes.

Dunestreet opens the door for everyone to acquire these coveted sneakers easily and securely.

At Dunestreet, the founders are not just addressing the challenges of the current sneaker resale market; they are also committed to providing opportunities for sneaker enthusiasts to access exclusive drops. Multiple times a month, they present "Exclusive Drops" allowing people to secure a few pairs at truly fair prices. This commitment to fairness and inclusivity sets Dunestreet apart, making it more than just a resale shop, where sneaker passion meets authenticity and accessibility.